The Institut

In 2014 i have been invited to participate in the annual Project Space Festival in Berlin. For the show I directed a series of wall paintings wherein i have imaginated an architecture, ruines of the institute in a distanced future.

I used dust which i had taken from that place as material for the paintings on the wall of exhibition room.

Half Moon

Drawings for a gender tale story

Stummfilm mit Stimme

Silent Movie With Voice – A performance, wherein i cooperatetd with the actor Mateng Pollkläsener from Bremen. Pollkläsener recited the words from Franz Kafka meanwhile i drew fitting images into a sand surface. A camera filmed this action and a beamer transmitted the images life on a screen.


Since 2014 in cooperation with the performance dancer Maria De Faria.

The first peepbox’s performance description: The dance performance artist Maria De Faria and the visual artist pedda Borowski are situated during their presentation in a small cubicle. This mobile miniature-workshop measures 140 x 140 x 220 cm (l /w/ h). Black textile walls with eye-sized peepholes invite the audience to watch. De Faria performs her dance – Borowski draws the scene. The theme of her dance are text passages from a dream diary written by Maria De Faria. Every new presentation calls another passage into play. In their 30 minutes presentation, both artists are wearing paper masks, sculptures made from intertwined paperstrips with De Faria’s text passages that are processed, mashup style into the texture. The performance is congenially accompanied by electronic-acoustic sound collages produced live from the sound-designer Dylan Bakker.

Since then De Faria and i are developing different scene images and different performance procedures.

  • Set at Atelier Borowski |Kuhlmann, Berlin
  • Masc, Performance at Atelieretage AR_29, Berlin
  • Masc, Performance at Atelieretage AR_29, Berlin
  • Masc, Performance at Atelieretage AR_29, Berlin
  • Motiv invitation card, performance at Kunst Etagen-Pankow, Berlin
  • Motiv invitation card, performance at Kunst Etagen-Pankow, Berlin
  • Motiv invitation card, performance at Atelierhaus Milchhof, Berlin
  • Motiv invitation card, performance at Atelieretage AR_29, Berlin
  • Motiv invitation card, performance at Handbestand, Berlin
  • Set floor from the second peepbox, performed at Atelierhaus Milchhof

Franz Kafka Film Studios proudly present: Movies and stills, outdoor shootings.

The author has been a passionated movie visitor. Here a serie of ink painting for unpublished Franz Kafka Movies.

New skin for the old ceremony

Paintings and gender construction. Nudes, mascs and more

Hours is the love of the universe

A variation of images, mixed media, without any special topic, more or less abstract figuration excecuted with material like printed images i did find by chance in books or waste paper baskets.